Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Moth Woman Press on the move

Those of you who occasionally check out my Art Blog will already be aware that recently I left my city studio. (It's in very good hands, though - my friend the fantastic landscape artist Kathryn Ryan has taken it over.)

Moth Woman Press will now be operating in a space that is a fraction of its former size, as pictured above. (Yes, it really is as small as it looks.) But for all that, it's a pretty good set up for zine production. At least downsizing to this extreme has made me ensure that I am as organized as possible, as there is not an inch to spare. The stacked white drawers contain most of my zine making materials. And although this photograph doesn't convey it, the desk is not only large, but its drawers also provide a substantial amount of storage, housing drawing materials that would otherwise be cluttering up the space. For more pictures of my new workspace, you can visit my Art Blog by clicking HERE.

Unfortunately all this upheaval has meant that my zines and several other projects have had to go on temporary hold. At the moment I must concentrate on projects with looming deadlines, for example a small linocut destined for a forthcoming exhibition and portfolio exchange curated by artist Rona Green. Once this is done, I intend to return to my zines with a vengeance. Watch this space...