Pictured below is the complete line-up of Moth Woman Press zines and mini-zines acquired during the past week by the National Library of Australia, including MWP's very first zine, A Short Book about Long Hair, 2009 (bottom row, centre). For a clearer view, click on the image.
The zines and mini-zines acquired by the NLA are as follows:
The zines and mini-zines acquired by the NLA are as follows:
A Short Book
About Long Hair, 52/60
Girls, 20/60
The Little
Black Hair Book, 18/80
The Moth
Woman Vigilantes, 38/80
Rope Trick, 16/100
Flying High, 24/100
Faces, 25/100
Faces in Living Colour, 28/100
The Moth
Woman Vigilantes Unmasked, 44/100
Poker Faces, 45/100
Card Sharps, 70/100
The Shadow
Women, 32/100
The Shadow
Women 2, 24/100
Shadowomen 3, 36/100
Republic of
Mothstralia - Coins of the Realm, 14/100
The Yellow
Butterflies, 16/100
Homo-insecta, 24/80
2, 22/80
Homo Insecta 3, 3/60
Homo Insecta
4, 21/100
Homo Insecta
5, 25/100
Moth Women - A
mini-zine, 37/100
Moth Women 2 - A mini-zine, 32/100
Moth Women 3 - A mini-zine, 32/`00
Postage Stamps, 23/60
Dark Dames, 2/100
Hair Pieces, 10/100
A New Leaf, 4/100
A New Leaf, 4/100