Sunday, September 13, 2020

More bookplates

Lately I’ve been working on a linocut bookplate (not pictured) that I plan to enter into the upcoming Australian Bookplate Design Award. It’s something I’ve wanted to do for several years, but each time the biennial award comes around it seems to coincide with a particularly busy period and I’ve never quite been able to find the time. With the October deadline fast approaching, it’s not surprising that bookplates have been very much on my mind (see also last post). 

A recent post on my Art Blog, prompted by Mark Cousin’s remarkable 14-hour documentary, Women Make Film that was recently screened at the 2020 Melbourne International Film Festival, focuses on a suite of linocuts I made back in the 1990s that draw their inspiration from Film Noir and the genre known as the woman’s film.

As I developed my linocut, it seemed to me that the Film Noir/woman’s film images could also be reimagined as bookplates and I set about making a series of experiments on my iPad. All up, there are nine of them. They are still works in progress and haven’t yet been proofed. A small selection are reproduced here and the remaining designs will feature in a future post.