Directly after my last post, when I announced the participation of Moth Woman Press in the 2016
Sticky Institute Festival of the Photocopier Zine Fair (FOTP) at Melbourne Town Hall, I did a major stocktake in the Ballarat studio. Primarily, I needed to know how many zine editions needed topping up before the big day on Sunday February 14. (This is currently being attended to).
At the back of my mind, I must admit, was also the concern that I wouldn't have enough work. Fortunately, the above mentioned exercise soon put my mind at rest.
As previously reported, work is also under way on three new mini-zines,
A New Leaf and
Homo-insecta 4 and
5, which will make their respective debuts at the zine fair.
Zines for FOTP set out on top of the plan cabinet in the Ballarat studio, January 2016 |
Detail 1 of zines for FOTP |
Detail 2 of zines for FOTP |