Friday, February 7, 2020

Alice at FOTP 2020

Alice has starred in no less than three Moth Woman Press mini-zines, including the eponymous Alice, (2019), a suite of eight pastoral scenes set to a poem, also titled Alice, by Christina Rossetti. The poem was penned way back in the nineteenth century, but the prophetic Rossetti clearly had our Alice in mind. 

Shameless self-promoter Alice wants it known that all three Alice-themed zines will be featured in the upcoming 2020 STICKY INSTITUTE FESTIVAL OF THE PHOTOCOPIER ZINE FAIR at the Meat Market, 3 Blackwood Street, North Melbourne, 3051, Sunday 9 February, 12 – 5 pm. 

Moth Woman Press limited-edition mini-zines will be offered at the special FOTP 2020 price of $4.00, with all proceeds donated to Wildlife Victoria’s Victorian Bushfire Appeal: